1-The warm up should be viewed as an essential component of a productive rehearsal. It is in the opening portion of the class time that the director can establish a real focus for the tasks at hand.

2-Attention should be given to starting the rehearsal at the earliest possible moment after the students arrive in the room. Idle, non-music making moments generate off task behavior very quickly.

3-Factors of the mind, as well as attitude, are essential in the warm up phase of the rehearsal.

4-The warm up is also a good opportunity for increased attention to meaningful conducting patterns and gestures.

5-The warm up activities should include reading a variety of etudes, excerpts, and chorales.

6-To add variety, and to promote interest, it is wise to frequently begin the rehearsal using strategies that do not require any spoken word from the director. Consider using a combination of writing on the board and informative conductor gestures. Being original and creative is the key, here.

7-Anticipation of interesting and enjoyable warm up activities will cause the ensemble members to get to their respective places in an eager and happy fashion.